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Alfonso Gómez, Pianist


The Spanish-German pianist Alfonso Gómez has developed into one of the most distinguished interpreters of the 20th and 21st century repertoire. Born in 1978, he studied at the Conservatory of Vitoria-Gasteiz with Albert Nieto, at CODARTS University of the Arts Rotterdam (Holland) with Aquiles delle Vigne and at the University of Music Freiburg (Germany) with Tibor Szász, where he graduated with distinction. During and after his studies, he attended master classes with Vitali Margulis,  Jaques Rouvier, Zoltán Kocsis, Éric Haedsieck, Jan Wijn, Gilead Mishory and Galina Egiazarova, as well as chamber music lessons with Rainer Kussmaul, JörgWidmann and Jean-Jacques Kantorow.

Gómez performed numerous concerts in Spain, France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Ukraine, the U.S., Canada, México, Taiwan and South Korea. As a soloist, he has performed in concert with numerous orchestras such as Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt (Oder), Euro-Asian Philharmonic, Basque National Orchestra, Bilbao Symphony Orchestra, Orquesta Sinfónica de Navarra, Homburg Symphony Orchestra, Rotterdam Young Philharmonic, Orkest van Utrecht and Gyeonggi Philharmonic, together with conductors such as Juanjo Mena, Hans Graf, Erik Nielsen, Roy Goodman, Jurjen Hempel, Nanse Gum, Jonathan Kaell and Ernest Martinez- Izquierdo.  

Gómez has won 11 national and international prizes, prominent among which was the grand prix in the following competitions: J. Françaix (Paris), Ciudad de Gernika, Alter Musici (Cartagena) and Gerardo Diego (Soria). In Rotterdam, he was awarded the Erasmus Kamermuziekprijs. He has recorded  12 CDs for different European labels which present the abundance, diversity and complexity of his repertoire. His CD  "Ramón Lazkano, piano works" (KAIROS) was awarded in Paris with the Grand Prix du Disque Musique Contemporaine de l'académie Charles Cros 2019. 

Being highly committed with contemporary music, he has premiered numerous works by different contemporary composers, many of which are dedicated to him, and has collaborated with leading ensembles such as MusikFabrik, Recherche or the SWR-Ensemble Experimental. His performances and recordings have been  broadcasted on numerous occasions on the radio and TV in Europe and Asia.  

Gómez is currently  professor  of piano at the University of Music Freiburg and  associate  professor at the State University of Music and the Performing Arts Stuttgart. 

New CD-Release!

Piano concerto by Gabriel Erkoreka

Basque National Orchestra / Juanjo Mena


"Scintillating performance"

The Times


"Whether Debussy, Ravel, Messiaen or Feldman - with every recording, Gómez has proven that he is currently one of the most competent interpreters of piano music of the 20th and 21st centuries"



"Gomez spielt mit einer Leichtigkeit und Selbstverständlichkeit, als gäbe es nur eins: so und nicht anders"

Fono Forum


"Großes Kino für die Ohren"



"Kristalline Schärfe, unmittelbar stofflich und geistig durchdrungen"

Musik der Zeit


"Alfonso Gómez no le tiene miedo a nada" 

El País  


"Alfonso Gómez, erigido en la figura española más prominente y visible del repertorio contemporáneo"
